AddressBook Method (Session Object) 

The AddressBook method displays the MAPI dialog box that allows the user to select entries from the address book. The selections are returned in a Recipients collection object.


Set objRecipients = objSession.AddressBook( [ recipients, title, oneAddress, forceResolution, recipLists, toLabel, ccLabel, bccLabel, parentWindow ] )



On successful return, the Recipients collection object. When the user does not select any names from the dialog box, AddressBook returns Nothing.


Required. The Session object.


Optional. Object. A Recipients collection object that provides the initial value for the recipient list boxes in the address book. (Note: This initial Recipient collection is ignored in the OLE Messaging Library.)


Optional. String. The title or caption of the address book dialog box. The default value is an empty string.


Optional. Boolean. Allows the user to enter or select only one address. The default value is FALSE.


Optional. Boolean. If TRUE, attempts to resolve all names before closing the address book. Prompts the user to resolve any ambiguous names. The default value is TRUE.


Optional. Long. The number of recipient list boxes to display in the address book dialog box:




Displays no list boxes. The user can interact with the address book dialog box but no recipients are returned by this method.


Displays one list box (default) for mapiTo recipients.


Displays two list boxes; mapiTo and mapiCc recipients.


Displays three list boxes; mapiTo, mapiCc, and mapiBcc recipients.



Optional. String. The caption for the button associated with the first list box. Ignored if recipLists is less than 1. If omitted, the default value  To:  is displayed.


Optional. String. The caption for the button associated with the second list box. Ignored if recipLists is less than 2. If omitted, the default value  CC:  is displayed.


Optional. String. The caption for the button associated with the third list box. Ignored if recipLists is less than 3. If omitted, the default value  BCC:  is displayed.


Optional. Long. The parent window handle for the address book dialog box. A value of 0 (the default) specifies that any dialog box displayed is application modal.



The AddressBook method returns Nothing if the user cancels the dialog box.

To provide an access key for the list boxes, include an ampersand (&) character in the string for the label argument. For example, if toLabel is  &Attendees: , users can press alt+a to move the focus to the first recipient list box.

When you use the AddressBook method to let the user select recipients for a new message, you must use two different Recipients collections. This is required because the Recipients property of the Message object is read-only. Use the following procedure:

  1.  Call Session.AddressBook, which returns a new Recipients collection.

  2.  Call Messages.Add to create a new message.

  3.  Loop through the Recipients collection returned by Session.AddressBook, adding each recipient to the message s Recipients collection by calling the message s Recipients.Add method.

Note that you must update both the Recipient and the AddressEntry properties of the destination Recipient object, as demonstrated in the following example:

Dim objNewRecip(MAX_RECIPS) as Object   ' array of new recipients


    Set objNewMessage = objSession.Outbox.Messages.Add

    Set objRecipColl = objSession.AddressBook( _

           Title:="Select Recipients", _

           recipLists:=3) 'use default labels

    ' now add to the new message

    Count = objRecipColl.Count   ' error checking omitted...

    With objNewMessage.Recipients

        For i = 1 To Count Step 1

            Set objRecip = objRecipColl.Item(i)

            Set objNewRecip(i) = .Add( _

                entryID:=objRecip.AddressEntry.ID, _


            objNewRecip(i).Name = objNewRecip(i).AddressEntry.Name

            objNewRecip(i).address = objNewRecip(i).AddressEntry.type _

                & ":" & objNewRecip(i).AddressEntry.address


        Next i

    End With

    objNewMessage.Update  'save it


The following methods can also invoke MAPI dialog boxes: Delete and Details methods (AddressEntry object), Options and Send methods (Message object), Resolve method (Recipient object and Recipients collection), Logon method (Session object).


Note  The initial Recipients collection, as specified in the recipients parameter, is not used in the OLE Messaging Library.



The following example displays an address book dialog box labeled  Select Attendees  with three recipient lists:

    If objSession Is Nothing Then

        MsgBox "must first create MAPI session and logon"

        Exit Function

    End If

    Set objRecipColl = objSession.AddressBook( _

        Title:="Select Attendees", _

        forceResolution:=True, _

        recipLists:=3, _

        toLabel:="&Very Important People")  ' on button

        ccLabel:="&Carbon Recipients")

        bccLabel:="&Secret Recipients")

    ' Note: initial value not used in version 1.0

    ' parameter not used in call: Recipients:=objInitRecipColl

    MsgBox "Name of first recipient = " & objRecipColl.Item(1).Name

    Exit Function


See Also

AddressEntry Object1O6Y3BK, Recipients Collection1S0GWB8